MarketView offers real-time streaming financial market information on domestic and international exchanges for equities, derivatives, commodities, forex and fixed income markets.

Real-time information on multiple Asset Classes

Advance charting solution with back-testing

Fundamental data and analysis with scanners

Advanced Financial Calculators for all assets classes
Track all financial markets like never before. Real-time market information on equity, forex, fixed income, commodities, and more.

Real Time Data for all Markets

Price alerts and notifications

Market Reports (Covering Agri, Bullion Report and Mandi Reports)

Interactive charts
Datafeed solutions with technical capabilities to integrate them with any third-party application for enterprises delivering accurate and reliable data with increased performance.

Comprehensive and structured data sets compatible with accepted industry standards

Multiple product API models

Market data feed for third party applications

In-house development team for customised solutions.

Easy Integration
Enable online investment for your clients by directly initiating online transactions through NSE NMF II and BSE Star platforms.

Automated processing for all the RTA files

Brokerage display for different types of brokerage, trail B30, incentive, claw back etc.

Brokerage sharing facility for the Agent and Integrated email services

Online transaction through BSE star MF, with Multiple ARN transaction facility

Mobile apps for the client, advisor, agent
MarketBook provides the best analytics platform for all financial asset classes i.e., Equity, Forex, Commodity and Debt Market along with Technical Studies.

Empowering B- Schools

Fundamentals and Technicals

Practical knowledge on all Asset classes

Boost Placement

Helping Corporate world with desired skills force